Friday, September 3, 2010

Upcoming Pro-Life Events...

Holy Family Pro-Life Youth Rally

On Friday, September 17th, Holy Family Parish will be holding a pro-life youth rally. The event starts with dinner at 6:00 and will feature speakers from Generation Life and the musical talents of Caitlin Jane and Marie Miller. The event is FREE! Ages 13& up.

Please go here to print out the flyer and help get the word out!

DRTL Banquet

This year's Delaware Right to Life Banquet will be held at the Sheraton Dover Hotel on Thursday September 30th. Cocktail hour begins at 5:00 with dinner and presentation to follow. Tickets are only $20.00. The keynote speaker at this year's event will be David Kyle, Director of the abortion business documentary Blood Money.

Help spread the news about the event by printing out the flyer here.